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Confronting message of GOD to the nations...

This says GOD to the nations of creation :

'Hear, ye nations, I AM GOD and My holy name is YHWH forever. I AM. Although many denied or deny him he is still My holy everlasting name. I AM. My holy Son Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesus The Christ was on earth and fulfilled the work of salvation and reconciliation to save many from past present and future days as long as Our holy Grace and love and truth is still given to people in creation. I AM. Many churches/gatherings of believers in Us have not been faithful in the past, but allowed that Satan/ Lucifer by their secret/occult societies and their Whore Babylon and their Beast deceived all of the world and also them... who were/are not faithfull towards Us and Our holy words and testimonies and prophecies and revelations, that We gave them to make them aware of the reality and facts of the endtime that they were/are living in. Now many seek peace with GOD but often are desperate... for Our peace is not continually upon or in or with them. Reason : They chose Mammon and this world above Us and Our Eternal Kingdom of GOD. Many took the name, number, number of the name or mark of the Beast in the past while chosing for 666-barcode-linked www.-internet of all things/the Spiders-Web in which they are caught and are on their way to eternal suffering/destruction and second death. I AM. Although I warned against this Beast-system already since the second world-war... still all took and accepted "the new way of life" and of "banking and computing" , while giving in to the temptation... mentioned in Revelation 13. I AM. Now all will have to face the consequences of their choices. I AM. Only some chosen ones I will still save, for they left/leave the Whore and The Beast when they heard/hear and understood/understand the message concerning these facts and reality. I AM. The false prophet of Rome / anti-christo/other christ has deceived and seduced with His Whore and the Beast all who were not willing to follow Christ Jesus / Yeshua HaMashiach till the end. I AM. All who loved/love money/luxury and the things of this world more than Us will... go lost. I AM.' ;

Says the Almighty One of creation, the great I AM, who was, is and always will be, Adonai YHWH, the GOD of the heavens and the earth,

the GOD of Israel and creation, the GOD and Father of Yeshua HaMashiach/ Jesous Christos/ Jesus the Christ, the Word of GOD that became flesh and blood and bones, the True Immanuel.

Prophecy by :

The Voice in The Wind of Ruach Hakodesh/ Holy Breath of GOD.


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